Sanyo 7S-P1

Sanyo 7S-P1 inside

Transistors (early Toshibas): 2S27, 2S13 x 2, 2S14 x 2, 2S15 x 2, [1N60A]
Speaker: 3" with connector for optional 4" x 6" external speaker
Power source: 6V : BL104 x 1 or UM3 (AA) x 4
SW band: 3.9 ~ 12Mc (the band used on domestic Japanese models)

This baby was re-capped before I traded to get it, but the friend who did the job does great work and the radio plays fine. I willingly traded a decent and desirable shirt-pocket radio for this 7S-P1 because I like the early Sanyos, consider the first two-band radios to have a certain historical significance, and consider this is a rare model. I've only seen one other sample to date, and that one had loads of chips and cracks in the hard plastic cabinet.

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